Personalised Recommendations in Ecommerce

personalised recommendations in ecommerce

Personalised recommendations are a powerful tool in ecommerce. Consumers want to navigate easily around websites, finding and purchasing the items they like.

Capturing the attention of these consumers with relevant products during their journey can easily result in a higher spend. Encourage engagement by continuously placing suitable products on pages, making the online experience more tailored and enjoyable for shoppers.

This simple method of pulling customers deeper into the site will increase the amount of time spent. It has been demonstrated that by increasing the time spent on a site by 16%, conversation rates increase by 10%.

Personalised recommendations can be placed in many locations including:

  • Search results
  • Home pages
  • Product and category pages
  • Checkouts and baskets

Pointing consumers to items they will like is an area where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be introduced. The more personalised the recommendations, the better the user experience will be. Alternatively, actions can be taken manually to recommend similar products or brands to those which have already been viewed.

Curating an experience tailored to each visitor will tap into buying habits and create a memorable experience. The benefit? Spending and returning customers.

The following stats demonstrate just how beneficial personalised recommendations in ecommerce can be:

  • 85% of consumers are influenced to complete a purchase through personalised homepage promotions
  • 44% of consumers make a purchase based on targeted recommendations on product pages
  • 92% of consumers purchase products recommended in their shopping cart